Web Ref#FF3667
Lot 3 - Superbly situated only 1.5kms from town boundary on popular Umutaoroa Road. 5 Lots range from 1 - 1.9 hectares with varying views North-North West. Extensive mature plantings of Willows and ornamentals provide shelter and privacy with each section having its own character. Lot 3 and 5 have existing farm buildings. All Lots serviced, electric power reticulation, ducted for fibre and well constructed metalled entrances off Umutaoroa Road, all with titles issued. Realise your lifestyle dream. Call now!
Building Name:
R.V. Date: September 2023
District Council: Tararua
District Council Rates: $1,998.13
Regional Council: Horizon
Regional Council Rates: $237.83
Effective Area: Rolling contour.
Land Use: Lifestyle
Production: N/A
Nearest Town: Dannevirke